Thursday, May 19, 2005

R.O.C.K. in the UK?

European bands, North American bands. Imagine that, with the exception of one band/artist of your choosing, you had to give up listening to any music that stemmed from one of these continents -- for the rest of your life! What do you do?

Here are the rules:
  • Should a band be of mixed origin (à la Fleetwood Mac), you can keep listening to it regardless of which continent you choose.
  • You do not have to give up music from any other continents. (Air Supply fans, rejoice.)
  • No funny business. You get the point of this exercise, so play along. No claiming you can listen to the British band that recorded their latest album in New York, or the California punk band who made their CD in Turkey.
So, which continent do you choose to keep, and which artist from the sacrificed continent do you hold onto? Discuss!


kieran said...

I would have to get rid of the Euro bands: with my exception being the Rolling Stones (or maybe Zeppelin, depending on the day I actually make this decision.)

You cut out the Europeans and you can still find pop, rock, electronica, you name it. I'd miss some celtic music, but I'd get over that.

Now, you cut out North America you lose jazz, soul, bluegrass, country, a good chunk of the classic rock bands.

Sure, I'd miss the Beatles, the Stones, Zeppelin, U2 (just to name a few) but when you weigh that in comparison to no Miles Davis, John Coultrane, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Mingus, Armstrong, Skynyrd, CCR, James Brown, Ray Charles, Marley, etc.

Man, no way. I'd keep N. America any day of the week.

JL Pagano said...

If I cut out the USA I lose about 10% of my CD collection, so there's your answer!

Benjamin said...

It really isn't a funny question, is it? It's a horrible one. It's like asking a parent which child is their least favorite...

Kieran makes a very good point. There is a lot of diversity in American music history, and I think this is its biggest strength. I never meant to rule out anything like classical music, so I won't count that as a European strength. For these reasons, I think I'd probably have to choose North America as well. It'd be a darn shame, but I'd be going for quantity over quality. And, because they're one of my all-time favorite bands, I'd have to choose Led Zeppelin as my keepsake.

Still, I literally ache to think of losing so many classics. The 60's and the 80's both had their own British Invasions, and the cream of the crop was usually found therein. Thanks to my older brother and sister, I have a special fondness for new wave, so I'd be hurting quite a bit in that department. Childhood favorites such as Billy Idol, Culture Club, and Duran Duran would be gone. No more Depeche Mode, no more Tears for Fears. Even individual songs would be tragic losses. "Take on Me," anyone?

Ah, forget it. It's a tragic question. It should never have been asked. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry ... so very sorry!

JoAnna said...

Hmmm... I am just not intelligent enough to reply. I like what I like and don't know from whence it sprang (or sprung). I would have to agree that I couldn't get rid of N. America because of Jazz- my life blood. But... hm...

I too love the New Wave stuff Benny mentioned and can't imagine losing that. It's all American isn't it? Don't we just take whatever we want and call it ours?


You are right. It is a horrible question!