Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Song vs. Song #1: Sibling Rivalry

This next question has resulted in many arguments between my sister and myself. We are both adamant in our divergent opinions, which is a fact I have hard time tolerating. The question is simple - which of the following two songs is more enjoyable:

Bungle in the Jungle - by Jethro Tull


Werewolves of London - by Warren Zevon

I have listed these songs in alphabetical order by title, so there is no subliminal psychological tactics at work (should you be looking for such). If you don't recognize these songs by title, try clicking on them. This will take you to a website where you can listen to a sample clip from the song. If you're vastly unfamiliar with either song, I suppose you shouldn't vote. And if you're my sister with whom I have this ongoing argument, you are also discouraged from voting. Everyone else, please make your feelings known! I am extremely curious to see if one of these songs is widely more popular than the other. I will share my own opinion in due time...


AndyOfVermont said...

Toughie. Both good music. I think I'd have to go with the Zevon, but don't know why. I'm a sucker for piano, is that why? But then, I can't stand Elton John, and don't like Billy Joel much more, so it doesn't QUITE explain it. All I know is, when it comes on, the radio gets turned up, more frequenty than tuther.

JoAnna said...

Well, how interesting, a split vote. I am not allowed to comment...

The Damsel said...

Werewolves in London would have to be my pick. While fairly monotonous, I like the "ooooo".

Benjamin said...

I resisted commenting until we had something other than a split vote. As it doesn't look like many more votes will be coming in, I hereby congratulate Andy and Katherina -- both of you got the correct answer! "Werewolves of London" is indeed the better song! Congratulations and thanks for playing!