Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Song vs. Song #6: Otis Redding vs. The Drifters

Though summer feels all too far away, spring break (which either has or is currently playing in a city near you) is certain to get us itchin' for some sun and relaxation. In honor of such yearnings, cast your vote now for which lackadaisical summer 60's song is best:

Under the Boardwalk - The Drifters


(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding

And nevermind the fact that the latter song has slightly depressing overtones. Summer's all about living in oblivion!

Benny K says...

"Under the Boardwalk" is a fine little diddy, but Otis' tune has an undeniable soulful maturity. My vote easily goes to "(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay".


Th. said...


Otis all the way.

Jennifer said...

After waking up to snow this morning I could use some summer. Otis Redding is the clear winner – obviously. Although, the whistling is a smidge embarrassing.

JoAnna said...

I think I'll have to go with Dock of the Bay- just for the way it feels like summer! Watchin' ti-i-ime! Great tunes! This was a hard one.

Sarah said...

I love Otis, he wins. Wait, can I go with the Michael Bolton version instead? Okay, I am just kidding...the only Michael Bolton i enjoy is in Office Space. Why did MB have to go and ruin a perfectly good song?

Benjamin said...

Sarah, I too like only the Michael Bolton from Office Space. Luckily, I haven't heard the other MB's rendition of Otis' song. But thanks for the nightmares...