Monday, August 22, 2005

Favorite Songs #5: Monday Songs

When it comes to the smash hits of pop-rock radio, only one day of the week can rival Saturday, and that day is Monday. So what is YOUR favorite song with "Monday" in the title?
The only rule is that the song MUST have the word "Monday" somewhere in its title. It does NOT have to be one of the songs listed above. Still, if you'd like to sample one of the songs listed above, just to make sure it's not a long-forgotten favorite, simply click on its title and be whisked away to a sample-bearing page on For added convenience, I have made these links open in a new window. You will no longer have to click back and forth to figure out which songs most rock your world. Enjoy!

Benny K says...

While "Manic Monday" certainly gets my toes a tappin', I have to go with the somber sounds of "Monday, Monday." It's a classic, and it reminds me of playing my mom's records when I was young. But Amie-J has voted for "Monday Morning" by Fleetwood Mac, a band I usually love but a song I am not familiar with. I'll have to get a hold of it and see if my feelings change! (Bravo, Amie-J, for thinking of a song other than those listed...)


JoAnna said...

I'm gonna have to go with Manic Monday... what can beat "kissing Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream?"

Anonymous said...

If We're Not Back In Love By Monday by Merle Haggard